Tuesday, 23 January 2007

England Captain Phil Vickery Helps Merton Parents for Better Food in School

Merton Parents for Better Food in School are running a competition to see which of the 45 Primary schools in the borough can bring about the most significant changes as part of their “Dinning Room Experience” competition. Water Coolers Direct.com Ltd have agreed to donate a Water Cooler as one of the main prizes and have enlisted the help of an England Rugby international player to make the presentation. WCD have approached none other than the captain, Phil Vickery, James Simpson Daniel, James Forrester and Pat Sanderson to ensure that at least one is available for the important day. (All are subject to availability)

Merton Parents for Better Food in School was started in April 2005 when parents in the borough of Merton became increasingly frustrated that the local authority was not listening to individual concerns about the quality of school food. The Dinning Room Experience Competition is about the whole dining experience. Many children complain about long queuing times, noisy halls, shrill whistles and confusion over the food on offer. The high profile competition has already gained the support of the Soil Association and the School Food Trust.

Jackie Schneider the Chairperson of Merton Parents comments that “We want schools to work together with children, catering staff and midday supervisors to have another look at their lunch time arrangements and see if they can make some improvements.”

Water Coolers Direct are an internet based company who buck the established trends of the water cooler industry, by freeing the consumer of cumbersome rental contracts and offering significant savings when they opt to buy their water cooler outright. Since inception the company has recognised the need for water provision in UK schools and has pushed a range of Fountains & Sinks especially targeted at the school market.

Fred Cairns Palmer the Managing Director of Water Coolers Direct said “We are recognised as being one of the first water cooler companies to take an active interest in the provision of water in schools. It’s our pleasure to donate the machine to Merton Parents and make use of our contacts in English Rugby to give their campaign an extra boost.”

The Water Cooler will be presented by one of the aforementioned England Rugby Players in June / July of this year.


Jackie Schneider - jackieschneider@blueyonder.co.uk - www.mertonparents.co.uk

Fred Cairns Palmer – 0800 7311 491 – fcp@watercoolersdirect.com - www.watercoolersdirect.com

Friday, 19 January 2007

Buy a Water Cooler & Save Lives with FRANK Water Projects

WaterCoolersDirect.com Ltd is proud to announce a partnership with FRANK Water, the Bristol-based not for profit organisation that funds clean water projects in developing countries.

Water Coolers Direct were searching for more clarity on how it’s regular donations were being used to help the needy. FRANK were being inundated with daily requests for the provision of water cooler services. Then Katie Harrison of FRANK water discovered Water Coolers Direct, a local company, offering an unbeatable service to national customers and the partnership was obvious.

Fred Cairns Palmer, Managing Director, WaterCoolersDirect.com Ltd said “Charitable donations have always been an important part of what we do at Water Coolers Direct, unfortunately many charities are unable to provide real detail of how a donation actually helps the people concerned. It's our company mantra to speak plainly about our product benefits, so FRANK Water seemed to be a natural fit to our business, their no nonsense message and ability to be completely open about how our donations are used is such a refreshing change. We look forward to helping FRANK to help fund clean water projects around the world for many years to come.”

Water Coolers Direct are an internet based company who buck the established trends of the water cooler industry, by freeing the consumer of cumbersome rental contracts and offering customers the opportunity to buy water coolers outright.

Water Coolers Direct now donate £5 from the sale of every water cooler (priced over £100) to the FRANK Water Projects. This donation will help fund over 5,000 litres of safe, clean drinking water for villagers at the FRANK projects. That’s enough clean drinking water for 10 children for 1 year.

Katie Harrison, Founder of FRANK Water Projects said “With this fantastic partnership we hope to give our customer’s an ethical alternative to the current water cooler rental contracts. With the help of WaterCoolersDirect.com Ltd we hope to save many more lives by installing an increased number of clean water projects in both India and Africa.”

The FRANK Water – Water Coolers Direct partnership begins on 2nd January 2007.

Katie Harrison - 01173 700 999 – http://www.frankwater.com/

Martin Booth – 0800 7311 491 –